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You're an Indispensable Part of a Greater Whole

Tylesha Allen

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

In a world where everyone is trying desperately to fit into culture's mold, God is saying counterintuitively, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2, NIV). In Episode 4 of the Imagine Faith Talk Podcast, Donovan wisely posed the question, "If you not being you, then what iz you doin'?" Learning to be you is important and we also explore it in our other blogs about how to heal anxiety and how to use faith to unlock potential. Let's dive in to how you're and indispensable part of a greater whole.

First, STOP trying to follow someone else's blueprint. It's futile to follow someone else's road map when you're assigned a different path. You are uniquely designed for something specific. Realize that you're an indispensable part of a bigger movement. "God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be... there are many parts, but one body... those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable... there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it" (1 Corinthians 12:18-26, NIV).

As a creative or entrepreneur, I'm sure you've probably heard that your niche is "oversaturated," but as a believer in Christ, you belong to team ‘Kingdom Business.’ Thus, although you live as an individual, you are part of a greater unit. Therefore, your talent and purpose are in no way diminished by the next man or woman. You are irreplaceable.

The key is to align yourself with the word of God, add in self-development, and then multiply the sum of those two by faith and the result is success. Alignment with God is your part, but TRUST HIM to do the rest so that you're working on your assignment rather than piggybacking off someone else's. If you're playing the position of a teacher in the body, then you shouldn't be attempting to sing the lead vocals on the praise team. If you're a pianist, don't try to pluck the strings of the bass guitar. Stay in the lane God set aside expressly for you.

Abandon contrasts. Stop comparing your fruit to others' - your apples are not his oranges, and her plums are not your pears. Uncuff from comparison and focus solely on being the BEST YOU you can do. It's okay to grow, glean, and be inspired by others, but do NOT compare because you have not been assigned to do the same thing. Pursuing someone else's potential will have you lose focus on your own and knock you off course from walking in your God-driven purpose.

You won't find the answers you seek in someone else's playbook. Instead, you will discover your solutions through intentional time with God. As a high performer who follows Christ, you are not competing with other Kingdom high performers. We are all teammates. However, the whole team suffers if you do not play your specific part. Remember, God's word affirms that you are "indispensable."

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8

Hey, if you got value from this post and want to dive deeper, check out our podcast at and follow us @imaginefaithtalk across all platforms. Or if you have an article on your heart that you would like to submit for us to publish, send us some of your stuff and we'll see about adding it to our blog content library.

Tylesha Allen aka 'Tye' is a loving mother, author, Navy veteran, former federal corrections officer and behavioral interventionist. She spends her time as an avid volunteer for the underprivileged, and advocate for inspiring youth to find their greatest potential. Tylesha has authored a children's book "How to Be Like Jesus" and recently completed her newest book, "Color Isn't Who I Am." She's also a contributing writer for the "Live Abundantly" book authored by an array of leading entrepreneurs such as Kingdom-based business coach Nick Unsworth and New York Times Best-selling author James Malinchak. Learn more about Tylesha and where to support her entrepreneurial ventures here.

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